Drug dependency
Drug dependency can affect anyone and both prescription and illegal drugs can both cause dependency and sometimes you can be unaware of the full effects of the drug that you are taking and the problems that may arise. Drugs affect people in different ways and one person may take a drug and not become dependent whereas another person may become hooked on it. You can become dependant to or abuse drugs for many reasons including peer pressure, wanting to escape from your current situation, wanting to experiment, having the belief that the drugs will help you to solve problems in your life and cope better, finally you may just enjoy the effects you receive from taking the drugs.
Drug dependency usually consists of physical (
body being accustomed to the drug ) and psychological (
the mind relying on the effect of the drug and the absence of the drug initiating cravings ) dependency and is an uncontrollable craving that in order to overcome you would need to have treatment. Common withdrawal symptoms include:
Stimulants include - cocaine, ecstasy, nicotine, amphetamines, alkyl nitrites and anabolic steriods. These stimulants increase the activity of the central nervous system and gives the person feelings of extreme confidence, feeling more alert and having lots of energy.
Depressants include - alcohol, solvents, heroin, tranquillisers and barbiturates and these reduce the activity of the central nervous system and usually cause: impaired judgement, co-ordination and poor balance.
Hallucinogens include - LSD, cannabis, magic mushrooms and ketamine and these can alter your perception of reality and change the way that you experience the world - you may start to see or hear things that are not real.
Any drug dependency will need input from your GP and possible medication. Hypnotherapy can help during the post withdrawal stage of your treatment. One of the most difficult things to do when you have 'kicked the habit' is stay off the drugs and this is where hypnotherapy can be used to reinforce positive changes in order to break the habit and change the way that you think so that you can learn to live your life without the dependency on the medication/drugs.